KBI chooses us to issue Transportation Insurance Certificates in Chile for several projects

“It seems nonsense to develop in native GeneXus without K2BTools, that’s just how we feel.” Constanza Carreño, KBI.

KBI es un grupo dedicado a brindar servicios de desarrollo, soporte y distribución de productos informáticos de alto impacto utilizando tecnología GeneXus, con las tendencias más avanzadas y adaptándose a las particularidades de cada cliente.

KBI is a group that offers development, support and distribution of high impact GeneXus-powered software, adapting to the newest trends and particularities of each client.

In 1999, they developed a system consisting of issuing certificates associated with a parent policy (Marine Cargo Insurance) to insure the transportation of food, goods, machinery, and merchandise for export, import, or coastal navigation.

Since then, it has evolved according to technological improvements and currently maintains three versions on Amazon’s servers, each one adapted to one of their main clients.

Carreño, KBI: “Our system is 100% developed with GeneXus and the K2B Tools suite, which has allowed us as a company to own a robust and future-proof product.”


The fundamental aspect of their system’s success are the continuous updates and improvements of K2B Tools and GeneXus technologies, which makes the speed and easiness of the implementation to be of crucial importance.

In each one of the installations, the system’s customization was implemented in record time, and was adapted to the functionalities and user experience of each particular client.

“With the latest update, K2B Tools allowed us to be in production in less than a month; a record time compared to the rest.”

The system’s main virtue is the speediness and security involved when issuing a certificate, in alignment with the highest technological standards. Secondly, it adapts to multiple DBMS, platforms and GeneXus’s languages, preventing obsolescence.

The arrival of the K2BTools into our hands led us to make the decision to rewrite the Certificate Issuer System. We took advantage of the accumulated intelligence of years and turned it into a highly parameterized solution. I would dare to say that what was written and parameterized in GeneXus was reduced to less than a third.

Every client has their particularities, which is why this system always seems tailor-made.

"We strongly recommend it. Evidence of this is that all our projects are developed with K2BTools, with which we have achieved unprecedented levels compared to developing with native programming languages." Carreño, KBI.

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